Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding +380997874746 |
Name |
position |
age |
37 |
Expert |
Automation and computer-integrated technologies, underwater robotics: design, application |
12 |
Education experience |
Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ukraine, Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Dept. of Vessels Electrical Equipment and Information Security, Specialist (Master of Engineering) in 2004 Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Ph.D. in 2009 Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ukraine, Associate Professor in 2013 Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Dr.Sc. in 2017 Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ukraine, Professor in 2019 Pearson Test of English General (CEF B2), issued in 2018. (scan-copies in Appendix A) |
work experience |
Basic stages of scientifically-pedagogical activity: 2006-2008: Lecturer, Dept. of computer-aided control systems, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ukraine. 2009-2017: Associate Professor, Dept. of Impulse processes and technologies, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ukraine. 2017-2020: Head of Dept. of Computer Technologies and Information Security, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ukraine. 2017-present: Professor, Dept. of Computer Technologies and Information Security, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ukraine. Basic educational courses: Programming, technical computing Maritime vehicles motion simulation, automation and control Underwater technologies Scientific supervisor of talented students which regularly publish scientific articles and participate in scientific conferences and competitions (first place in 2012, first place in 2013). 2006-2010: Engineer, Underwater Technics Research Institute, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ukraine. 2011-present: Head of the Maritime Laboratory “Delta”, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ukraine. 2010-present: Expert of Ukraine Shipbuilding Academy of Sciences |
certificateS of honor |
Awarded with the diploma of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding (Ukraine), nomination “Best Young Scientist 2009”, first place. Awarded with the Letter of Commendation of Education And Science Regional Governance Authority (Mykolayiv, Ukraine) for significant achievements in the field of science (2010). Awarded with the Letter of Commendation of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding (Mykolayiv, Ukraine) for achievements in the field of science (2012). Awarded with the Letter of Commendation of Education And Science Regional Governance Authority (Mykolayiv, Ukraine) for significant achievements in the field of science (2013). Laureate of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Scholarship for young scientists (since October 2014). Awarded with the Letter of Commendation of South Scientific Center of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine (Mykolayiv, Ukraine) for long-term faithful work, for significant personal tribute to implementation of scientific achievements, for long-term education of youth (2014). Awarded with the Honorable Letter of Commendation of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding (Mykolayiv, Ukraine) for significant personal tribute to domestic science (2015). Awarded with the Letter of Commendation of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding (Mykolayiv, Ukraine) for active participation in creation of underwater robotic technics (2017). Awarder with Gratitude of Ministry of Education of Ukraine (2019) (scan-copies in Appendix B) |
responsible projectS |
«Robotic technologies of research of the continental shelf of Ukraine using non-autonomous underwater equipment», State Registration № 0109U002215, «Development of theoretical foundations for the creation of "intelligent" robotic submersibles», State Registration № 0111U002314, «Development of theoretical bases of group control of autonomous underwater vehicles», State Registration № 0113U000243, «Development of theoretical basis and software-technical means of control of multipurpose marine unmanned complex», State Registration № 0115U000307 |
main patentS |
Useful model patent no. 114622, The “Hydroacoustic station – on-surface vessel” system with antenna under hull, 2017 Useful model patent no. 118047, The multiresonance low-frequency system “Hydroacoustic staion – on-surface vessel”, 2017 Useful model patent no. 118048, The “Hydroacoustic station – on-surface vessel” system with planar antenna, 2017 Useful model patent no. 119258, The “Hydroacoustic station – on-surface vessel” system with variable depth antenna, 2017 Invention patent no 116473, Tethered underwater vehicle for spatial motion and positioning of its technological equipment, 2018. Useful model patent no. 127850, The “On-surface vessel – hydroacoustic complex” system with variable depth antenna, 2018 Useful model patent no. 127933, The “On-surface vessel – hydroacoustic station” system with planar antenna beam scanning, 2018 Useful model patent no. 129345, The acoustic planar antenna cage with small lateral fields, 2019 (scan-copies in Appendix C) |
main products |
Projects: ROVs “Inspector”, “Sofokl”: Key Responsibilities: Main Executer of ROV control automation Technologies: PID control, Inverse Control ROV “Hydrograph”: Key Responsibilities: Chief Designer Technologies: Inverse control, TCP/IP, C++, CAD. Scientific expeditions: Byzantine of Foros (Summer 2009, 2010): Vasyl Shukshin Wreckage (Winter 2012, 2013, 2014); Other local and Black Sea expeditions (since 2005): Key Responsibilities: ROV commander Technologies: Combined vessel and ROV navigation (GPS, ROV gauges), ROV and mechanical arm control., Sonar. |
Most recent scientific publications |
Overall: more than 200, among them are more than 50 scientific articles, more than 130 conference theses, 4 monographs, 8 patents, 4 educational publications. Featured articles: Blintsov O. Sokolov V., Kucenko P. Formulation of design tasks of towed underwater vehicles creation for shallow water and automation of their motion control // Eureka: Physics and Engineering. 2019. № 2. P. 30–42. Blintsov O. Devising a method for maintaining manageability at multidimensional automated control of tethered underwater vehicle // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2017. Vol. 1, Issue 9. P. 4–16. Blintsov O. Development of the mathematical modeling method for dynamics of the flexible tether as an element of the underwater complex // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2017. Vol. 1, Issue 7. P. 4–14. Featured patents: Invention patent no 116473, Tethered underwater vehicle for spatial motion and positioning of its technological equipment, 2018. Featured tutorials: Blintsov O. Automatic control systems of underwater complexes with flexible tethers motion : tutorial. Mykolaiv: Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, 2018. 252 p. (In Ukrainian language). |
马卡洛夫国立造船大学 +380997874746 |
姓名 |
职务 |
理工博士,教授 |
年龄 |
37 |
专业 |
自动化和计算机集成技术,水下机器人:设计、应用 |
教学经验 |
12年 |
教育经历 |
2004年,乌克兰马卡洛夫国立造船大学自动化和电气工程学院船舶电气设备与信息安全系专家(工程硕士)。 2009年,乌克兰利沃夫国立理工大学博士。 2013年,乌克兰马卡洛夫国立造船大学副教授。 2017年,乌克兰利沃夫国立理工大学理学博士。 2019年,乌克兰马卡洛夫国立造船大学教授。 2018年,培生普通英语考试(CEF B2)。 |
工作经历 |
系统教学活动的基本阶段: 2006年至2008年:乌克兰马卡洛夫国立造船大学计算机辅助控制系统系讲师。 2009年至2017年:乌克兰马卡洛夫国立造船大学脉冲工艺与技术系副教授。 2017年至2020年:乌克兰马卡洛夫国立造船大学计算机技术与信息安全系主任。 2017年至今:乌克兰马卡洛夫国立造船大学计算机技术与信息安全系教授。 基础教育课程: 编程、技术计算 船舶运动仿真、自动化与控制 水下技术 指导有天赋的员工,定期发表科学文章,参加科学会议和竞赛(2012年获第一名,2013年获第一名)。 2006年至2010年:乌克兰马卡洛夫国立造船大学水下技术研究所工程师。 2011年至今:乌克兰马卡洛夫国立造船大学“Delta”海事实验室负责人。 2010年至今:乌克兰造船科学院专家。 2006-2010: Engineer, Underwater Technics Research Institute, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Ukraine. |
荣誉证书 |
获得乌克兰马卡洛夫国立造船大学荣誉证书,获得“2009年度最佳青年科学家”提名,第一名。 因在科学领域的重大成就,获得教育和科学区域治理局(乌克兰梅克莱夫市)的表扬信(2010年)。 因在科学领域的成就,获得乌克兰马卡洛夫国立造船大学(乌克兰梅克莱夫市)的表扬信(2012年)。 因在科学领域的重大成就,获得教育和科学区域治理局(乌克兰梅克莱夫市)的表扬信(2013年)。 乌克兰部长内阁青年科学家奖学金获得者(2014年10月起)。 因长期努力工作、个人对科学成果实现的重大贡献和长期青年教育,获得乌克兰国家科学院南部科学中心和乌克兰科技与教育部乌克兰梅克莱夫市)的表扬信(2014)。 因个人对国内科学的重大贡献,获得乌克兰马卡洛夫国立造船大学(乌克兰梅克莱夫市)的表扬信(2015年) 因积极参与水下机器人技术的研发,获得乌克兰马卡洛夫国立造船大学(乌克兰梅克莱夫市)的表扬信(2017年)。 乌克兰教育部感谢奖(2019年)。 |
负责项目 |
《使用非自动水下设备研究乌克兰大陆架的机器人技术》,国家注册号:0109U002215, 《“智能”机器人潜水器理论基础的发展》,国家注册号0111U002314, 《自动水下航行器群控理论基础的发展》,国家注册号0113U000243, 《多用途海上无人驾驶综合体控制理论基础和软件技术手段的开发》,国家注册号0115U000307 |
专利 |
实用新型专利号114622,《船体下“水声站-水面船舶”天线系统》,2017年 实用新型专利号118047,《“水声站-水面船舶”天线系统多共振低频系统》,2017年 实用新型专利号118048,《“水声站-水面船舶”平面天线系统》,2017年 实用新型专利号119258,《“水声站-水面船舶”可变深度天线系统》,2017年 发明专利号116473,《技术设备空间运动和定位用栓系水下机器人》,2018年 实用新型专利号127850,《“水面船舶--水声复合系统”可变深度天线系统》,2018年 实用新型专利号127933,《“水面船舶-水声站”平面天线波束扫描系统》,2018年 实用新型专利号129345,小横向场平面笼形天线,2019年 |
主要成果 |
项目: 遥控潜水器“检查员”,“Sofokl”: 主要职责:遥控潜水器控制自动化的主要负责人 技术:比例积分微分控制、逆控制 遥控潜水器“水文图”: 主要职责:总设计师 技术:逆控制、TCP/IP、C++、CAD。 科学考察 Byzantine of Foros(2009年夏天,2010年): Vasyl Shukshin残骸(2012年冬季、2013年、2014年); 其他本地和黑海考察(2005年以后): 主要职责:遥控潜水器指挥官 技术:船舶和遥控潜水器组合导航(GPS,遥控潜水器仪表),遥控潜水器和机械臂控制,声纳。 |
最新科学出版物 |
Overall: more than 200, among them are more than 50 scientific articles, more than 130 conference theses, 4 monographs, 8 patents, 4 educational publications. Featured articles: Blintsov O. Sokolov V., Kucenko P. Formulation of design tasks of towed underwater vehicles creation for shallow water and automation of their motion control // Eureka: Physics and Engineering. 2019. № 2. P. 30–42. Blintsov O. Devising a method for maintaining manageability at multidimensional automated control of tethered underwater vehicle // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2017. Vol. 1, Issue 9. P. 4–16. Blintsov O. Development of the mathematical modeling method for dynamics of the flexible tether as an element of the underwater complex // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2017. Vol. 1, Issue 7. P. 4–14. Featured patents: Invention patent no 116473, Tethered underwater vehicle for spatial motion and positioning of its technological equipment, 2018. Featured tutorials: Blintsov O. Automatic control systems of underwater complexes with flexible tethers motion : tutorial. Mykolaiv: Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, 2018. 252 p. (In Ukrainian language). |